If you need an EXPERT ADVISE within the framework of our areas of expertise.


Our site has been the victim of embezzlement and slashed nearly 50% of its updated informative content.

We are working hard to restore it as soon as possible.

Our Offer:

Supply Expert services, which consist in providing an advisory opinion relevant to the exposed facts in order to help clarifying a subject in a specific field.

Our technical, organizational, managerial and commercial advices are always subjected to a contractual mandate previously negotiated with the client and limited to the following fields of expertise:

  • Certification and Regulation related to Quality-Security-Food Safety-Health-Environment (QSSHE)
  • Improvement of the Enterprise Performances

Principal expert:

The founding president of ISONORM Consulting Group, Mr Gerard Blin is offering his services on the basis of the knowledge and practical experience that he has acquired and developed during forty (40) years going back and forth between Canada and France as Engineer, Professor, Author, Auditor and Executive Manager in several North-American and French multinational enterprises (Detailed resume available upon request).

In the international projects of greater magnitude, he also works as Project manager when the required multidisciplinary expertise is provided by a team of specialized collaborators from our international network of senior freelance academics located in Canada, France, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Colombia and Argentina

Information provided free of charge:

  • All responses to a Request for Information by phone or Email, requiring a minimum of working time from our part
  • Approximate verbal estimate of the cost of a potential project without an obligation from our part
  • Written submission including guarantees, project planning and detailed breakdown project costs in response to a formal detailed Request for Quotation

Professional fees:

Fixed or daily rate according to the nature of the service


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