How to get the quality of the health services certified as per the applicable criteria ?

Our offer:

Supply all necessary support to the customer working group assigned to assure the regulatory compliance of the organization within the framework of a mandatory project, delivering miscellaneous expertise, consultation, coaching, training and auditing services, relevant to the public and private Health Sector (CSSS and laboratories in particular).

Click on the tab Certification to see the distinct services that we proposing specifically for the other voluntary projects.

Our services:

  • To provide specialized expertise on realistic solutions for improvement of the Work Organization

  • To coach the implementation of the Management Systems (Risk Management in particular)

  • To train the personnel (or the inside trainers) to assure an effective maintenance of the system

  • To pre-audit the obtained results

  • To submit the rectified results to the concerned Authorities or eventually to an independent third party as AGREEMENT CANADA or others

Proposed reference models:

  • ISO 15189-M: Requirements for the quality and the competence of Medical laboratories

  • AGRÉMENT CANADA: Requirements for the Quality Health Services and Risk Management

  • ISO 9001: Quality Management of products and services

  • HAS-France: Certification Manual of the Health Establishments V 2010

Any other reference models whose implementation must be documented and demonstrated before to obtain the legal permission to engage the enterprise in a regulated activity.

